
Petaluma’s Public Servants Are Still On the Job

In a town the size of ours, everyone knows someone who's effected by the City's lay-offs. Me too. Not much for me to say but that I've always appreciated the folks on the City payroll who protect us, fight our fires, care for the injured, house the poor and elderly, [...]

By | October 9th, 2008|0 Comments

Stores Interrupted

So I propose that we rechristen the city "Victorian Petaluma" and ban all evidence of scientific or commercial progress. In our historically-accurate recreation of the past women will no longer vote, people of color will be relegated to second-class roles, 40% of new-borns won't live to see their first year, [...]

By | October 4th, 2008|0 Comments

Fiscal Folly

It's amazing to me how a town like Petaluma that prides itself on being oh so Progressive can nurture such nostalgia for the past. Political gadfly and notorious loose-cannon Bryant Moynihan has definitely tapped into this yearning for things that never were with his Measure K to roll back sewer [...]

By | September 28th, 2008|0 Comments

Planning Department

There's nothing funny about folks losing their jobs. By and large I think the men and women who work for the City of Petaluma are a hardworking dedicated lot and I'm sorry that the elected officials charged with steering our little Dinghy of State can't see the forest of the [...]

By | September 23rd, 2008|0 Comments

Marriage Proposition

I know what the Bible says about marriage and I believe the Bible to be God's word. I also know that the two greatest commandments are to love God before all else, and next to love one's fellow man (and woman) as much as you do yourself. And for good [...]

By | September 11th, 2008|0 Comments

Paper Bear

Comrade Putin's shameless bullying of some of Russia's weak former vassal states has resurrected a whole slew of Kremlin apologists, European limpwrists and homegrown apparatchiks, not to forget Joe Biden, who - prior to the Kremlin's caving in under the weight of their crushingly inept bureaucracy and discredited philosophy - [...]

By | September 8th, 2008|0 Comments

Looming Budget Crisis

Like a lot of us today, Miss Petaluma has hit some financial hard times. Which means, as we all do, she has to focus on her priorities and perhaps let go of some of her fantasies, foibles and outright foolishness. In the "fantasy" column I would put the idea that [...]

By | September 5th, 2008|0 Comments

Bicycle Follies

Petaluma is home to many avid cyclists easily identified by their colorful spandex and high tech bicycles. This cartoon was not addressed at you so please don't harass my children. In our free country, anyone with the desire can obtain a bicycle and ride it pretty much at will without [...]

By | August 29th, 2008|0 Comments

Spineless NATO

In these days when history is considered irrelevant - except in preserving local architecture - it might be useful to recall that NATO was created to be a bulwark against Communist territorial expansionism in the wake of WWII. Under Gorbachev and Yeltsin, the Russians began to look more warm and [...]

By | August 22nd, 2008|0 Comments

UN Chicken Mascot

The United Nations is about as effective at restraining bad behavior as the are the Hell's Angels...though unlike the UN, the Hell's Angels are both effective at their stated goals and fearsome in achieving them. The UN's limp vacillation in the face of Iran's looming nuclear nightmare, Russia's brutal aggression [...]

By | August 22nd, 2008|0 Comments