Perhaps the title should be Omission instead of Commission, given the propensity of some of the members to do almost anything but make productive contributions to the planning process. John and Chris have asked me to be “nice,” so I won’t tee off on the City Council, or share my thoughts as to why the Planning Commission is dysfunctional. Suffice it to say, look at how they were appointed.

Oh, BTW – in response to those you who consider my Lowe’s cartoon to be anti-Semitic, you should look up the definition of the word. The mention of Passover, Jews, or Hebrews is not – in and of itself – anti-Semitic. And there’s nothing in my attached commentary that is anti-Semitic. On the contrary, I’m highly respectful of the Jewish tradition, have attended numerous Seders and, for several years, was married to a woman of the Jewish faith.

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