
Al Qaeda is Dead. Obama Says So

Two of Obama-the-Magnificent's favorite phrases that must certainly be getting old to everybody but the Progressive Kool Aid drinkers are, "Al Qaeda is dead" and "We don't have a spending problem." As they say, history will be the judge. I fear the damage that OTM's self-talk will cause while we're [...]

By | January 19th, 2013|0 Comments

The Fiscal Cliff Might Do Some Good

Personally, I wouldn't miss some of the pork, I mean "vital" programs, that could be pitched over the looming "fiscal cliff" into well-deserved oblivion. One of my favorite candidates is the zombie (e.g., ever-recurring despite guarantees that it will end when the technology reaches maturity) subsidy for wind power. The [...]

By | December 27th, 2012|0 Comments

Hey, It’s All the Rage In Venezuela.

Given all the raucous crowing about "mandate" and blatantly smug grins from the left side of the aisle, as Obama-the-Magnificent puts the smack down on the Republicans, I wonder if folks have given any serious thought to the inevitable consequences of a one-party government. Wait, did I use the word [...]

By | December 23rd, 2012|0 Comments

OWS: Petaluma Franchise

The union of chronic protesters (Local #94952) - AKA Occupy Wall Street / Petaluma franchise - were assembled last Saturday at Penry Park. The Argus stated that there were 150 in attendance. From what I saw, that would have meant counting everyone at least twice. The most charming sight was a about 6 people marching in a tight circle carrying protest signs - a sight that was clearly visible to nobody but the six.

By | November 4th, 2011|0 Comments

School Budget Fiasco

Sonoma County's K-12 schools are struggling. Some are failing. The reasons include the declining birth rate, the changing demographics, the poor economy, or our dysfunctional state government. But I lay the fault squarely in the lap of the social visionaries - those high-minded folk who think that the rest of us are too stupid to run things and so they want to (oh so gently, mind you) take the tiller from our hands, so that the ship of state (county, city) is steered in the right direction. In the light of the struggling county schools, one outstanding example of social re-engineering run amok came to mind - S.M.A.R.T., which has already raised taxes and squandered tens of millions of dollars which could have been put to better use. Or, since the size and function of the still-proposed rail system seems to dwindle by the week - use, period. Oh heck, let's call it what it is - another Progressive Boondoggle. When the economy was booming, these sorts of hair-brained fantasies could slide through. I suppose a silver lining to the current economic storm clouds is that tight times make people re-think their economic priorities. I sure hope that people who don't have their heads in the clouds - or in the sand - will take another look at the "train to nowhere."

By | August 13th, 2011|0 Comments

Obama Ignores the Economy

Well folks, as the President begins his campaign for a second term, he knows that he'll need all the true believers, fellow-travelers, and Kool Aid drinkers he can round up to offset all of the independents he's pissed off once they realized that his "campaign for change" really meant a plan to socialize medical treatment, promote union interests, and transfer what wealth was left in the economy to unions and welfare recipients. Unfortunately, he has the typical "liberal" grasp of economics, such that he seems to have worked full-time to kill the engine that drives the US economy, whose taxes provide for all the social welfare treats beloved by his constituency.

By | April 30th, 2011|0 Comments

The Late (Great) Petaluma

You know, folks who are born in a town and lived there all their lives, or others who move to place because they appreciate it's qualities have a right to feel strongly about the future of their town and express these feelings strongly. No problem there. Of course, that group I just mentioned includes pretty much everyone in Petaluma, not just the "no-growth-ers" Oh, excuse me, the politically correct term for "build-nothing-that-we-don't-like-or-we'll-sue" is Smart Growth. The problem with the Smart/No Growth gang, is that they've forgotten their biology. In EVERY living organism, growth and change MUST happen. When an entity ceases to grow and adapt it starts to die. I don't want my town to die and I don't want to live in a town that's radically changed from the town I love. However, I'm willing to listen with an open mind, accept new ideas that can benefit others (not just me), abide by the rules I voted to approve, and not to sue when things don't go my way. That's what make me - and a lot of others in town - different from the so-called Progressive / Smart Growth gang.

By | March 5th, 2011|0 Comments

Trench Warfare

It's a deadlock, alright. Miss P. calls for a compromise, but the business-averse Progressives are so convinced that they're in the right, they've become deaf (excuse, hearing challenged) to any disagreement. And why shouldn't they believe this? Liberal pundits have been writing since the mid-60's that any point of view other than theirs is ignorant, illegal or insane. Whatever else they may believe, the the "so-called" pro-development bloc understands that new construction can be taxed, as can completed buildings, sales, employment and other forms of commerce...and that commerce (not just taxes) are the life blood of communities.

By | February 10th, 2011|0 Comments

Councilwoman Renée’s Pithy Connection to Reality

Councilwoman Renée referred to her comments about the international threat to Petaluma posed by a decommissioned WW2 gunboat as "pithy," and averred that they were made in reaction to a request she deemed irresponsible in light of the City's financial distress. Well, okay. Since the definition of "pithy" is: brief, forceful, and meaningful in expression; full of vigor, substance, or meaning, I guess we can surmise from her comment that Ms Renée is substantially, vigorously and meaningfully ignorant of both international relations and economic opportunities. At present, North Korea is a direct military threat to only South Korea. And since the gunboat is currently financially self-sustaining at it's Mare Island berth, one can only assume that it would pose little drain on River City's treasury and might even bring in some needed tourist dollars.

By | October 2nd, 2010|0 Comments