
Petaluma Community Access drama

Some say the that the current flap over at PCA was like a soap opera. I'd say, with all the "emot," overacting, and scenery chewing, it's more like a TeleNovella. Perhaps if they'd videotaped and broadcast their own (recurring) saga they could have gotten some serious ratings. Stay tuned...

By | June 20th, 2008|0 Comments

High School Graduate Choices

The options for a high school graduate haven't changed much in the 46 years since I graduated from High School in...well, you do the math. One big difference between the choices faced by today's grads and those back during the Cold War was The Draft. In those halcyon days a [...]

By | June 13th, 2008|0 Comments

Petaluma’s Polluted Parks

Despite being inundated with information that inhaling the fumes of burning tobacco damages health, diminishes quality of life and invites an early death, about 25% of us are determined to continue smoking. My grandaddy called them "coffin nails." My father died prematurely from emphysema. I'm at a loss as to [...]

By | June 8th, 2008|0 Comments

Let the Games Begin

Now that Barack O'Bama is the Democratic Party's candidate for President, he gets to step outside the Liberal hothouse of identity politics, political correctness, and affirmative action and venture into the broader public arena. It will be interesting to see if his undeniable charisma, which has so far allowed him [...]

By | June 2nd, 2008|0 Comments

Sonoma County Supes Dither

Opposition to the planned casino in Rohnert Park has repeatedly sought help from our County Supervisors in the form a ballot initiative that would allow voters to register concerns about the impact of a WalMart-sized gamble-opolis on their quality of life...all to no avail. Despite the fact that similar ballot [...]

By | May 29th, 2008|0 Comments

City Service Sponsors

It appears that Mike (the Magnificent) left Petaluma more than a pair of big shoes to fill...he left his successor with a whopping deficit. Under these circumstances, if the voters decide in June to rescind the sewer tax, Petaluma my be joining Vallejo in the ranks of bankrupt cities. So [...]

By | May 24th, 2008|0 Comments

Rainier Exit Mirage

There is no better example of local political foot-dragging than the late, lamented Rainier Exit. Our last two "no-growth" mayors are but the latest in a series of local leaders who have sought to keep Petaluma frozen in some rose-tinted vision of the past. Despite their best, or worst, efforts [...]

By | May 18th, 2008|0 Comments

Stimulus Checks

Big government giveth and big oil taketh away. I, personality, have yet to see my "stimulus" check from my uncle in Washington, but it's already been poured down my gas tank many times over. Still the thought that someone I don't know is sending me money is stimulating.

By | May 14th, 2008|0 Comments

Keep Your Slough…River…Clean!

It's that time of year again to tend to our favorite tidal slough...the Petaluma River. This has to be done with care. Some past efforts - albeit well-intentioned - have lead to disastrous consequences. Remember when the ardent cleaning in the area adjacent to Payran Street - once a bottle [...]

By | May 4th, 2008|0 Comments

Butter, Egg & Beer Gardens

Petaluma's long-storied heritage as a source of butter and eggs for the region will be celebrated once again this Saturday with a parade. Those not parading will line the streets and watch the paraders pass by. At a predetermined signal, paraders and parade watchers will switch places guaranteeing everyone a [...]

By | April 25th, 2008|0 Comments