
Pam Gives John A Boost

La Prima Diva - self-anointed star of the on-going soap opera that is the Petaluma City Council expressed her displeasure with our incoming City Manager recently. Not very stateswoman-like behavior indeed. Especially when you consider that they'll need to work together to solve Petaluma's host of challenges. However, since it's [...]

By | February 14th, 2008|0 Comments

Feral Cats

So it seems that birds are more popular in some branches of Miss Petaluma's extended family than cats...such that Shollenberger Park has become a bird sanctuary in the minds of many avian afficianados.Woe then to the resident "colonies" of feral cats who view the bird population as source of food. [...]

By | February 7th, 2008|0 Comments


lGood news / bad news - the trestle adjacent to the Applebox is discomposing faster than cotton candy in the rain. Good news because its advancing decrepitude may prompt the dithering officials responsible for it's fate do more than just put up a decorative railing to discourage sightseers from hurting [...]

By | February 1st, 2008|0 Comments

Kenilworth Deep Freeze

It's an overused cliche' about how easy our kids have it easy compared to past generations. However, with the freezing conditions at Kenilworth Junior High, those kids will have some harrowing stories to tell their own kids when they grow up. Imagine: "Gee dad, tell us the story about how [...]

By | January 26th, 2008|0 Comments

The Dating Game

It seems that Miss Petaluma can't choose a new City Manager from the (candi)dates she's met so far. Or, perhaps, Moynihan's harebrained measure to roll back sewer taxes, an idea that should have never made it off his cocktail napkin let alone appear on the ballot, has raised the prospect [...]

By | January 20th, 2008|0 Comments

Hog Wild for Pigs

Pot belly pigs, a house full of cats, more rats than the Pied Piper whistled out of Hamelin, zombie chickens, ugly dogs, wandering seals, pet alligators and cockroaches galore. Petaluma may be some kind of progressive ark for weird species. We already know Petaluma is a weird ark for progressive [...]

By | January 10th, 2008|0 Comments

Miss Petaluma’s Two Passions

Cognitive dissonance - the ability to hold two conflicting ideas or opinions should be Petaluma's town motto. Her citizens want all the benefits of a thriving community - good roads, civic edifices, verdant parks, top notch police and fire protection - while simultaneously recoiling at anything that smacks of that [...]

By | January 6th, 2008|0 Comments

It’s a New Year

The New Year kicked off with rain - but no serious flooding so far. Hooray! Hopefully 2008 will continue to smile on Miss Petaluma as she scours the singles ads for a new "beau" (City Manager), struggles to keep her rowdy pack of nieces and nephews (the City County) from [...]

By | January 5th, 2008|0 Comments

Miss Petaluma’s Year

Miss Petaluma, a refined and proper albeit socially and environmentally progressive lady, had quite a year. The characters and subsequent notoriety that she attracted belie her airs of gentility and probity. Perhaps in 2008 she'll let her hair down, put her bustle away for good and join the 21st Century. [...]

By | December 29th, 2007|0 Comments

Miss Petaluma’s New Romance

Once again Gentile Petaluma has attracted the attentions of an urbane suitor from the big city. This time it's AT&T who rode into town in a fleet of white vans emblazoned with the blue skeleton-globe logo to sweep Miss Petaluma off her dainty high-button shoes. Her current swain, Comcast, was [...]

By | December 19th, 2007|0 Comments